1840 Willamette St
Eugene, Oregon

The morning will offer many opportunities to connect deeply with whatever is alive in ourselves and each other. After lunch we'll bring our attention to the choice each of us has in every moment, and learn about asking for what we really want. There will also be some time to follow whatever comes up in the moment. Open to everyone who came to the March 17 workshop (strongly recommended), or who has at some time been surprised by their ability to give deep empathy, and to express honestly and vulnerably. Register by e-mail: johnca@ourpla.net

Cost: I am not charging a fee for these workshops. I offer them as a gift, to you, coming from my desire to contribute and to build hope. I will **also** invite you to gift me, to contribute to my ability to offer workshops to other people as a gift.

Official Website: http://ourpla.net/cgi/pikie?MarchWorkshops

Added by johnca on March 7, 2007

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