Ethan Nichtern, the charismatic and creative force behind the Interdependence Project, is our guide to the beauty that is everywhere in the world. With pop-culture savvy, humor, and liveliness, he melds Buddhist wisdom with the great truth of interdependence that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. expounded to explain how we might best live together.
With special emphasis on how mindfulness meditation techniques awaken us to the truth of interdependence and inform activist work, Nichtern provides in-depth meditation instruction to help us ground our attention in the present moment. We then move from exploring our minds on the meditation cushion to applying the insights, clarity, and wisdom we gained to our own creative pursuits and larger community concerns, such as climate change and peace activism.
With a new understanding of what binds us all, we gain the skills necessary to positively change our relationship to ourself, our friends and partners, our community, and our world.
Register and make your donation for the program-
* Before January 15th, 2009 $65 (members receive 10% off)
* Before February 15th, 2009 $70 (members receive 10% off)
* After February 15th (up to the day of the program) $75 (Members receive 10% off)
* You can contact us for special rates and Scholarships
Official Website:
Added by phoenixshambhala on November 22, 2008