Decision Lab
A Project of Integrity Unlimited
Does your team have a difficult decision to make?
Many groups struggle to make good decisions when:
*people have become politically invested in certain proposals
*a decision seems like an either-or, perhaps a Yes or a No, and each choice involves an unacceptable sacrifice
*everyone knows there must be a better way but it's just not clear
At Decision Lab groups invent the best solution with the help of trained facilitators using the Formal Consensus system.
We draw out your best creative thinking, and find a "third-way" solution that moves past the old "one way or the other" struggles.
Once a month, we offer a FREE opportunity to a local group that wants our support. At 1pm on Thursday 20 August, come with your team or group to Lewes Werks for up to two hours, and we will support you in making the best decision you can.
We only have room for one group in our free session a month, and registration is first come first served, so please call early to sign up. If this month's free Decision Lab is already taken and your decision can't wait, we are happy to do a Decision Lab at our full price of £300, either at our location or at yours. Discounts are available for community groups and small businesses with values compatible to ours.
To register or get more info, phone or email Nathaniel White using the contact details below.
(Please pass this on if you know someone who will benefit from it).
Nathaniel White
Director, Integrity Unlimited
UK: +44 (0) 2032 396286
Mobile: +44 (0) 7766 093015
Skype: nathanieltwhite
Twitter: NTWhite
Nathaniel White has been designing and facilitating working, learning and residential communities since 1996. He developed his expertise in supporting personal transformation and creating high-quality relationships over three years of training with shamans in the American Southwest and another two years of apprenticeship with pioneering psychologists Drs. C.G. and Kathlyn Hendricks. He has served as steering-committee member of the Ecovillage Network of the Americas and Merchants of Vision Editor of the World Business Academy. He currently practices the art of relationship with his wife and son in Brighton, England, and serves others through his life-coaching, facilitation and consulting business Integrity Unlimited.
Added by NTegrity on August 12, 2009