In a departure from its usual format, this month's event will feature a Mega Open Mic, where aspiring and accomplished poets of all ages will be invited to read a favorite or original poem of 40 lines or less.
Admission to the December reading is a new children's book or small stuffed animal to be donated to Project Night Night, an organization that serves young children living in homeless shelters. The organization provides individual tote bags containing "objects of reliable comfort" to children 0-10 years of age. Each bag is filled with a security blanket, an age-appropriate book and a stuffed animal.
"In the spirit of the holiday season, we decided to come together as a community, share our love of poetry and offer comforting gifts to youngsters who may lack the sense of security that we take for granted," says Poet Laureate Martha Meltzer.
Light refreshments will be served during intermission.
The Century House Poetry Reading series continues year round on one Sunday during even-numbered months. The next reading will take place on Sunday, February 3, 2008, from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Admission to the December reading is a new children's book or small stuffed animal to be donated to Project Night Night.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 20, 2007