Every child in Massachusetts deserves the best chance for success. For 10 years, Roxbury Preparatory Charter School has proven that the highest levels of student achievement are possible.Our students have charged to the head of the class through their own hard work and the hard work of their families, their teachers' perseverance, and their school's profound belief in their futures.
Come celebrate this A+ effort at our 10th Anniversary Celebration!
6:00 PM - Cocktails & Silent Auction 7:00 PM - Dinner & Live Auction9:00 PM - Dismissal
For more information, please contact Jami Therrien at (617) 566-2361, ext 124 or
Board of Trustees: Greg Shell, chair, George Anderson, Louis Crosier, Timothy French, Linda Gousby, Winston Henderson, Jean Krasnow, Julie Joyal Mowschenson, John O'Connor, Sherry Riva, Venessa Rosemond
Dinner Committee: William "Mo" Cowan, co-chair, Julie Joyal Mowschenson, co-chair, Rebecca Pacheco, co-chair, Hyacinth Vassell, co-chair, Tchintcia Barros, Andrea Cohen, Valerie Godwhani, Demond Martin, Keith McGee, Nina Palmer, Kathryn Bailis Phillips, Sherry Riva, Susan Roberts, Michelle Shell, Benaree Wiley
Honorary Committee: Chris Gabrieli, Massachusetts 2020, Paul Grogan, The Boston Foundation, Dr. Keith Motley, UMass Boston, Susan and Alan Solomont, Solomont Bailis Ventures
Organized by Roxbury Preparatory Charter SchoolRoxbury Preparatory Charter School, a public school that serves grades 6-8, prepares its students to enter, succeed in, and graduate from college. Roxbury Prep is founded on the philosophy that all students are entitled to and can succeed in college preparatory programs when the focus is on curriculum, character, and community.
Since its founding in 1999, Roxbury Preps enrollment has grown to 224 students. The student body is currently composed entirely of students of color. Most students live in single-parent households and 72 percent qualify for either free or reduced-price lunch. Assessments of entering 6th graders at Roxbury Prep indicate that students, on average, arrive with poor basic academic skillsone-third of students typically enroll at least two years below grade level.
In 2008, Roxbury Prep outperformed 80% of all Massachusetts middle schools on the MCAS, 100% of its 8th grade graduates gained admission to college preparatory high schools, and nearly 80% of alumni are currently enrolled in college. Roxbury Prep has been cited by the United States Department of Education and national organizations such as the Education Trust as one of the best charter schools in the country, a model for closing the persistent racial achievement gap.
Ticket Info: - Individual ticket, $179.38
- Individually sponsored table (8 seats), $2,509.95
- Sponsors, Free
- Make a donation, Free
Official Website: http://prepforsuccess2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com