Ian Murdock wrote the Debian Manifesto in 1993 while a student at Purdue University. He named Debian after himself and his then-girlfriend Debra, thus Deb(ra) and Ian. Debian is one of the world's most popular Linux distributions, and the basis for Ubuntu, KNOPPIX, and Xandros (among others).
Ian led Project Indiana at Sun Microsystems, which he described as "taking the lesson that Linux has brought to the operating system and providing that for Solaris," making a full OpenSolaris distribution with GNOME and userland tools from GNU plus a network-based package management system. He has since moved on to become Vice President of Developer and Community Marketing at Sun.
The Bay Area Linux Users Group is lively gathering of Linux users & free software enthusiasts that combines great food, community & intimate access to speakers. All talks are free and start at 8pm sharp. Come early (6:30) to hang out and chat. Pizza will be provided at 7pm for $10/head; please send an RSVP to rsvp@balug.org so we know how much to order. Strong possibility of rabble-rousing and/or further discussion at Kate O'Brien's Irish Bar & Grill following the talk.
BALUG regulars, please note we are meeting at Songbird (in SOMA) this month, not at the normal Chinatown spot. Thanks to the Songbird folks for hosting us!
Official Website: http://balug.org/
Added by Jesse Zbikowski on September 8, 2008