A live Debbie and Friends show is a trip for the entire family—a joyful jaunt through a variety of styles, from straight-ahead pop, to country, to rock, to reggae, all delivered by a band of musicians who are clearly there because they love it.
Kids become the Big Bad Wolf and blow the house down, fix Rosie’s wrong rhymes and test their skills with the Simon Says Song. Like everyone’s favorite teacher, Debbie connects with her audience and respects kids for the people they are; her warmth is sincere and her radiance downright contagious.
What kids love is Debbie’s energy, her sunshine and the array of musicians and instruments she brings to each show, including keyboard, all sorts of hand percussion, energetic and sometimes zany backing vocalists, saxophones, banjo, fiddle, flute, whistles—you name it. Every show is different. Kids are active participants in every song and the audience is as much a part of the show as Debbie and her band.
2011 CBS Boston Best Local Children's Musician
2010 Nickelodeon Parents Pick Award
2010 Boston Children's Music Performance Award
Babies under 2 get in FREE.
Official Website: http://www.92y.org/Tribeca/Event/BYOK--Debbie-and-Friends.aspx
Added by Debbie and Friends on January 31, 2012