13 Norfolk PLace
London, England W2 1 QJ

With David Loyn, BBC Developing World Correspondent, and Jake Lynch, Reporting the World. Moderated by the BBC's Nick Higham.

Jake Lynch argues that in war reporting the media should do more to offer a potential for peace. David Loyn, on the other hand, believes peace journalism to be among the most destructive of emerging journalistic trends.

Jake Lynch, co-author of Peace Reporting, is a proponent of ‘peace journalism’, defined as when editors and reporters make choices – of what stories to cover and about how to report them – to help resolve conflict.

According to Lynch, all other kinds of journalism are ‘war journalism’, biased in favour of war.

David Loyn presents the counter-position, arguing that this activist approach compromises journalistic integrity and the duty to uphold traditional values of fairness, objectivity, and impartiality.

On the one side, the role of the correspondent is to play witness; on the other, actor. Join us, as Jake Lynch and David Loyn debate the principles of peace journalism.

Please RSVP to events@frontlineclub.com

Official Website: http://www.frontlineclub.com

Added by Kavita on June 8, 2006

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