So, I've always wanted to take a nice weekend to photograph something beautiful. I've never been to Death Valley, and I saw no reason why I couldn't invite anyone and everyone else to come along with me on the journey.
I'll be camping, but there's also several decent places to get a room.
Official Website:
Added by trevorcarpenter on February 15, 2009
reserved spot for tent.
FURNACE CREEK (CA), Death Valley National Park, CA
Wildflower Update for Death Valley National Park
February 8, 2009
A strong storm has brought one to two inches of rain and significant flooding throughout the park the last few days. This has greatly increased our prospects for spring wildflowers in Death Valley. Much of the park received an early rainfall in October and a parkwide rain, nearly one half inch, just before Thanksgiving. This early rain, followed by warm temperatures allowed a widespread sprouting of annual wildflowers seeds. Some of these such as Desert Gold, Brown-eyed Evening Primrose and Sand Verbena have already been observed blooming along park roadsides in the southern and northern ends of the park.
In Death Valley, the driest spot in North America, spring wildflowers are not a yearly event. It’s a rare treat for conditions to be just right. The bloom this spring may still be spotty, nothing like the huge blooms in 1998 and 2005, but still worth a viewing. The heavy rains were received late in the season, so the peak blooming period along the valley floor and up to 2,000 feet may be anywhere from mid-March to early April.
Charlie Callagan
Woo-hoo! (on the wildflower comment)
Weather will be highs in the mid 80s and lows in the mid 50s this weekend.
I've had a unique week. My wife's grandmother passed away yesterday. Funeral is in Long Beach, on Thursday. So, I'll be departing from that area, on Friday morning.
This actually will put me in Death Valley, much sooner on Friday!
My mobile: 805-490-6255
I'll update my Facebook status, with my whereabouts, so make sure we're friends there, to keep up!
dang - If I had found this earlier I might have been able to make it - hope all those going get some cool shots!
Hey ya'll! Great weekend! Make sure to tag your photos with, "deathvalleyphotowalk042009". That will make it easy for us all to find each other's photos.
Paul Wirtz and Kristi Grey will be going. We will be camping also.
Tent camping and will driving a Jeep Wrangler.