615 Montgomery Avenue
Merion, Pennsylvania 19066

Join us for BiUnity's annual starting-off-the-new-year-right-with-chocolate-and-bisexuals coffeehouse.

Free admission. Coffee, chocolate goodies, etc. for sale, to benefit BiUnity, the Philadelphia-area social and support network for bisexuals, their families and friends.

Start your year off right by spending a few hours of New Year's Day with the fabulous BiUnity folks! Death Bi Chocolate is an annual event where coffee and various yummy chocolate treats are offered for sale and great conversation is had by all.

In the past, this event has included songs and readings performed by those attending and this year will be no different. Do you write poetry? Bring it. Play a few tunes on the guitar? Pluck away.

Donations of chocolate and yummy non-chocolate desserts will not be refused. In fact, we encourage you to bake something gooey and/or buy something from your favorite chocolate retailer.

For more info or to volunteer, please email info@biunity.org or visit our main page at www.biunity.org

Added by snooble on December 24, 2005

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