Death & Victory in Paris” is a high-energy musical written and directed by Bravo's "Platinum Hit" castmember, Nevin James. The rock opera follows the story of a young woman sold into the sex trade, and was written to raise the collective social consciousness about the subject of human trafficking.
"Death & Victory in Paris" was the first Rock Opera written and directed by a Pepperdine student and Pepperdine University will serve as the host for the tour finale for the "Death & Victory in Paris" which has been traveling the country for the past months. Saturday nights tour finale will feature a red carpet entrance and an exclusive after party in Malibu.
There will be two performances with the first taking place on Friday, October 7th at 8 PM and a special red carpet event prior to the Saturday, October 8th 8 PM show.
Tickets for the event are:
Students/Faculty/Servicemen Admission- $10, General Admission- $20, VIP Admission (comes with select seating, a signed poster, a gift bag, meet-and-greet with the cast, and an invitation to the after party in Malibu on Saturday night) - $50
Tickets can be purchased by visiting
or by contacting the Pepperdine Box Office at: 310-506-4522 (M-F 12-5pm)
To watch the "Death & Victory in Paris" trailer visit:
Official Website:
Added by Nevin James on September 12, 2011