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London, England

Deafinitely Creative

Interested in creating new plays?
Like to work with other Deaf writers?
Need help to make your visual ideas into theatre?
Able to commit to create a play throughout the year?

Deafinitely Theatre – The country ‘s leading theatre company for Deaf, offer a series of workshops on creating plays, leading toward presentation of work at London venue.

If you feel this course is for you…..

Then we like to invite you to a one day tester workshop on Saturday 10th May 11 a.m to 3 p.m.

There will be some games, improvisation and group excise. Then we will chose five lucky people to join a one year course.

If you are selected, you will join one year course include one week residential course in June at The Hurst, Shropshire ( . After the course, all participants will meet one Saturday each month in July, Aug and five Saturdays in Sept and one Saturday in Oct.

There will be one week intensive course in November to prepare a showcase of your short play at London venue on Friday afternoon and evening in November.

Good English is not necessary.

If you are interested, please email me your name and address. If you like, you can also email me your C.V.

Official Website:

Added by AlisonB on April 20, 2008