The Deadstring Brothers have toured just about every pocket in the UK and have tackled the Midwest scene here in the States, sharing bills with bigwigs like the Sadies, My Morning Jacket, Cat Power and Jesse Sykes. A US tour will follow their February release of Starving Winter Report.
Littered with themes of dragged out battles both won and lost, the Deadstring Brothers have come out the other side all the wiser, and with a record powerful enough to pierce your heart after first listen. Sharp, nicotine-tinged odes teeter on the right amount of nostalgic spirit, sentiment and rock-and-roll, hearkening to a time well before we felt compelled to add "classic" to it. From the swagger of the album opener ?Sacred Heart? to the autumnal meanderings of ?Moonlight Only Knows,? Starving Winter Report cries out for some big speakers, a Detroit ragtop with a case of Stroh's in the trunk and a reason to get good and gone.
"For all the posing, posturing stuff that gets released every week of the year - you know, the clever-clever, trendy, arch material that critics are supposed to like but nobody buys - there are always acts like Deadstring Brothers - the sort of group that looks back at the ever-lengthening history of rock music, pinches the best bits and still comes up with something that sounds original, if not classic." Erasing Clouds
So come out and celebrate the release of Starving Winter Report!
Tour dates, bios, and MP3's:
Added by Bloodshot Records on January 2, 2006