BY SARAH RUHL. How much could someone learn about you if they found your cell phone - and started answering your calls? From the lyrical author of The Clean House comes this oddly mythic love story in which a lonely woman answers a stranger's cell phone and finds herself the unwitting guardian of his memory. Traveling literally to hell and back, Ruhl's quirky comedy is set amidst a world where technology is swallowing our souls, grieving is more complicated than we think, and everyone is desperate to make connections. WORLD PREMIERE.
Directed by Rebecca Bayla Taichman, featuring Rick Foucheux, Naomi Jacobson, Sarah Marshall, Jennifer Mendenhall, Bruce Nelson & Polly Noonan.
PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN PREVIEWS: Mon, June 4 (8pm) & Tues, June 5 (8pm). Two per person. Cash/check only. Tickets on sale starting at 6:30pm at the door only.
MEET THE PLAYWRIGHT: Post-show Q&A with playwright Sarah Ruhl and artistic director Howard Shalwitz following Wed, June 6's 8pm show. FREE
MEET THE ARTISTS DISCUSSIONS: Meet the cast following the performances on Wed, June 13 (8pm), Sun, June 17 (2pm) or Thurs, June 21 (8pm). FREE
Official Website:
Added by woollymammoththeatre on June 4, 2007
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