Legal Clinic: Getting Started & Protecting Your Project Against Liability
Film/video producers are constantly searching for the answers to all sorts of legal questions. Unfortunately, legal advice is often expensive and time-consuming. These Legal Clinics are neither! Innes Smolansky, an experienced NYC entertainment attorney specializing in film and television production, will help guide you through the complex world of entertainment law step-by-step.
This seminar will cover the different ways you can protect your project against liability, the best time and type of legal entity that needs to be formed, obtaining insurance, releases, music clearances and more.
Innes Smolansky will be joined by guest Steve Carrol, an experienced insurance broker.
Thursday, March 29th @ 6:30PM
$30/DCTV Members; $60/Non-Members
Call 212-966-4510 x246 to sign up today!
Official Website:
Added by on March 9, 2007