Upcoming DC PHP Developers Group Meeting
Where: National Press Building Room #495
When: Wednesday, September 13 at 7:00 PM
LAPP - The PostgreSQL alternative to LAMP. This presentation will discuss common and useful PHP PostgreSQL functions, basic PostgreSQL admin, special features of PostgreSQL such as inheritance and arrays, as well as common PostgreSQL functions. We will also discuss how to advocate LAPP technologies in the enterprise.
Rob Campanell is a co-founder of Blastro, Inc, an internet
video-on-demand network. Blastro has used LAPP technologies to power its websites for the past six years. The Blastro network serves 10 million video plays/month.
Refreshments will be provided.
This developers group is for educational purposes only. It is formed
for the purpose of expanding the use of PHP and Open Source development in the Washington DC area and for supporting PHP developers with training, dialog, and networking. Meetings are held free and open to the public. The venue for meetings is decided by Development Group members.
Added by robcamprobcamp on September 11, 2006