Quantum Tamers, directed by Chris Mullington (Canada, Documentary, 52 mins, East Coast Premiere, 2010). An award winning documentary that reveals secrets from deep inside the sewers of Vienna, site of groundbreaking quantum teleportation experiments, to cutting-edge quantum computing labs, to voyages into the minds of the world’s brightest thinkers, including renowned British scientist Stephen Hawking. Albert Einstein called this quantum weirdness "spooky action at a distance." The Quantum Tamers: Revealing Our Weird & Wired Future explores the coming quantum technological revolution. Guest speakers include filmmaker; and Dr. Wolf is the Director of the University of Virginia Institute for Nanoscale and Quantum Scientific and Technological Advanced Research
Official Website: http://dciff.bside.com/2010/films/quantumtamers_chrismullington_dciff2010
Added by Rachel Soares on February 25, 2010