1727 I St., NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20006

As DC’s new Chancellor of Schools recently commented, education has the potential to be the true equalizer within our divided society.

Unfortunately, for DC’s youth, that promise continues to remain unmet by the local public school system. Despite the best efforts of our local educators and the fact that DC has one of the highest per-pupil spending rates in the country, our city’s test scores consistently fall in the bottom of national rankings. Many have argued that the failures of our system result from issues such as:

· Frequent turnover in school leadership and staff

· Misappropriated allocation of resources, both financial and material

· Anachronistic state of the system’s infrastructure

On August 14th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Greater DC Cares will host a forum to discuss how these issues and others affect college access, early childhood education, adult and vocational education, and special education within the context of the District’s educational system.

Join us to better understand the issues and learn specific, actionable steps to directly contribute to this important cause.

Panelists Include:

- College Summit’s National Capital Region Director

- Martha Ross, of the Brookings Institution’s Greater Washington Research Program

- Jesse Bailey, Campaign Director, Pre-K for All DC

- Anne Gay, past DCPS Assistant Superintendent for Special Education

For more information or to RSVP, contact Maya Graham at mgraham@greaterdccares.org or (202) 777-4445. As always, our event is free and open to the public. Space is limited, so please sign up when possible.

Location: 1727 I St., NW, Washington, DC.

Official Website: http://www.greaterdccares.org

Added by MayaG on July 12, 2007

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