DBIA Golf Tournament
10:00am Registration
10:30am Putting Contest (chance to win $50)
12:00pm Shotgun Start (Box Lunch in Cart)
5:30pm No host Cocktails
6:00pm Dinner and Awards Program
Tournament Format
Four-person shamble. All golfers receive tournament prize, refreshments, lunch and dinner. Individual and team prizes will be awarded. Raffle drawing and awards program following. Dress code is strictly enforced.
50/50 Drawing will be held during dinner with an entry fee of $20.00 per person.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Gold Sponsor
Includes two foursome
Dinner sponsor
Raffle Sponsor
Reserved table at dinner
Banner at event
Tee sign
Acknowledgment in program
Silver Sponsor
Includes one foursome
Lunch sponsor
Reserved table at dinner
Tee sign
Acknowledgment in program
Bronze Sponsor
Includes one foursome
Beverage sponsor
Reserved table at dinner
Tee sign
Acknowledgement in program
Super Ticket
2 Mulligans, 2 Raffle tickets, Putting Contest $20 each
Beverage Sponsor
Closest to the Pin Sponsor
Longest Drive Sponsor
Hole Sponsor (Tee Sign)
Putting Contest Sponsor
Raffle Prize Donation
Minimum Value. Cash donation or gift.
All Sponsors will receive recognition signage at event and recognition in tournament program.
For more information contact
Nancy Grimes at
nancy@dbiawp.org OR by phone 619-303-8919 or fax 619-303-8929 OR Eric Kisshauer 510-379-1502
Proceeds to support the DBIA-WPR Student Chapter
-No refunds after June 1st, 2009-
Organized by DBIA Western Pacific RegionThe Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) was founded in 1993 to provide a voice for design-build practitioners, to advocate best practices, to create and disseminate education information, and to furnish advice and support to facility owners and users. Its membership includes design-builders, construction contractors, design professionals, subcontractors, representatives of government agencies, academics and other professionals.
Ticket Info: - Foursome, $1,400.00
- Additional Person Banquet Only, $50.00
- Gold Sponsor, $5,000.00
- Silver Sponsor, $3,000.00
- Bronze Sponsor, $2,000.00
- Foursome/Tee Sign, $1,600.00
- Super Ticket, $20.99
- Closest-to-the-Pin Sponsor, $300.00
- Longest Drive Sponsor, $300.00
- Hole Sponsor (Tee Sign), $300.00
- Putting Contest Sponsor, $300.00
- Raffle Prize Donation (Minimum Value), $100.00
- 50/50 Drawing, $20.00
- I am unable to attend. Please accept my donation for $100., $100.00
- I am unable to attend. Please accept my donation for $250, $250.00
- I am unable to attend. Please accept my donation for $500., $500.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/269841102/upcoming