31 Prestige Plaza Drive
Miamisburg, Ohio 45342

Come meet our very special Disney Guests!

Margaret Kerry - model/actress for Tinker Bell and Bill Farmer - voice of Goofy.

Our guests will be available for photos and autographs each afternoon. A special treat will be presentations by our guests around 2:00pm each day.

Hosted by the Dayton "Plane Crazy" Chapter of the Disneyana Fan Club. DAYTON Disneyana - 2011, is a Show & Sale of Disneyana Collectibles + Disney Pin Trading Event.

Join Disney fans from across the Midwest at this fun-filled weekend! At the event, you will find a large collection of Disneyana, both vintage and contemporary for sale, such as: Walt Disney Classic Collection sculptures, Disney pins, lithos, figurines, ornaments, toys, cels, books, videos and more. Pin trading games, door prizes, raffles. Also, we will be holding silent auctions of Disney pins throughout the event weekend with proceeds being given to the TWIGS foundation for Childrens Hospital.

PIN TRADER? Well, we haven't forgotten about you either. We have a good size room (23' x 50' with 10 - eight foot long tables) set up for your pin trading requirements for Friday night, Saturday night and also open all day when the event doors are open. This should accomodate anywhere from 40-60 pin traders at anyone time.

Do you really like a certain character? ...I mean REALLY, REALLY like one! Then come in costume on Saturday. We will have our Disney Guest judge everyone at 5:00pm. We would like those in costume to show up a few hours earlier, so all us Disney fans can see your take, on that very special character that you love.

New this year is a special ticketed event for Friday evening, which is dinner with our special guests. Seating is limited, so pre-register early!
Please visit the event website at: www.daytondisneyana.org for the latest information about admission prices, early bird entry and our special ticketed event Friday night at 7pm - dinner with Margaret and Bill. Besides Disneyana of all kinds, there will be silent auctions, door prizes, pin trading games and opportunity drawings running throughout the weekend. Great Family Fun!

Make your stay in Dayton a mini vacation! Mention that you are here for the Dayton Disneyana event and you can get a rate of $79 + tax at the Holiday Inn - Dayton Mall. The Lion King will be performing at the Schuster Center (downtown Dayton) during this time and make sure you make a side-trip over to the National Air Force Museum (FREE admission) to see the Disney pins on Wings Exhibit!

The Disneyana Fan Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich legacy of Walt Disney. Our common goal is to provide Disneyana enthusiasts of all ages from around the world with news, information, and events that enhance their experience with, and love of, all things Disney.

If you are interested in obtaining space at this show, please contact Gary Schaengold: (937) 299-9940

Official Website: http://www.daytondisneyana.org

Added by yensidw on May 14, 2011