39 Norwich Westerly Rd
Ledyard, Connecticut 06339

SAT AUG 29th 7:30am- 9PM
FUN Group Singles Day Out!
LONG ISLAND SINGLES: Meet at Exit 63 (Long Island Exp) for BUS.
Breakfast served on bus. THEN off to beautiful Orient Point to board the ferry ride to CT.
BUS then continues on to FOXWOODS CT. Trip starts at 7:30 am at exit 63, leaves the Casino at 6pm and we will arrive back at LIE exit 63 by 9pm
COST- is $55.00 includes: all Bus/Ferry transportation, Breakfast (on Bus) and Lunch voucher + $20 worth of Play money at casino!

MUST PRE-PAY to reserve a seat. Please do so early - very popular and limited seats
Phone 631 592 9804
Or sign up on WEB Site- http://WWW.7-IN-HEAVEN.COM

Added by Speed-Dater on August 12, 2009

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