A major new video work by Los Angeles artist Mike Kelley, Day is Done is a twisted semi-musical that examines American subcultures. It is composed of 31 sketches, each a reconstruction of photographs found in high school yearbooks, with such familiar events as dress-up days, memorial speeches, religious spectacles and fashion shows. Kelley disrupts the traditional structures of such events to construct a dizzying daisy chain of performances resulting in an institutional landscape populated by dancing Goths, singing vampires, hick storytellers, horse dancers and the Virgin Mary (2005/06, 169 min, video).
Public Info:
415-978-2787 or www.ybca.org
$8 regular; $6 students, seniors, teachers and YBCA Members
Official Website: http://www.ybca.org/tickets/production.aspx?performanceNumber=4622
Added by nglnd_lzbth on January 24, 2008