David Morgenthaler, founding partner of Morgenthaler Ventures will kick off a Levin College series on the future of cities. Mr. Morgenthaler has built a national reputation for industry leadership and value-added venture capital investing.
This forum is the first in a year-long series celebrating of the 30th anniversary of the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs. The forum series, entitled Our Place in the Urban Age, will explore the dynamic role of cities in a world transformed by technology, climate change, modern lifestyles and a global economy. What will America's urban centers look like in what some are calling the Urban Age? What economic functions will cities serve, how will the quality of life change, and how will Cleveland and Northeast Ohio adapt?
Free and open to the public.
Registration requested at 216-523-7330 or online.
Official Website: http://urban.csuohio.edu/forum/events/03_22_07_urban_age.shtml
Added by jeffschuler on March 19, 2007