1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

Saturday, Oct. 17, 7:00-9:00 PM (doors open at 6:30)

David Korten's work, including his most recent book, Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth, proposes stirring changes in our culture's relationship with corporations, power and finance. "We have been living in a trance in a world of illusion," he says. "We have lost sight of our spiritual nature just as we have lost sight of the distinction between money and real wealth. We have lost sight of ourselves as manifestations of the spiritual force of creation. It is now within our means to unleash our positive potential and create the world of which humans have dreamed for millennia."

Sponsored by BFUU Social Justice Committee
Requested Donation $25
Advance registration recommended at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/77777
Advance registration includes a copy of Agenda for a New Economy (valued at $15 plus tax)
Walk-ins $35 at the door if seats available; book not guaranteed without pre-registration
Wheelchair accessible

More info: 510-841-4824

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Added by benburch666 on September 6, 2009