W 21 - David Grubbs, Rat Threads
Louisville, Kentucky-born recording artist and writer. Currently lives in Brooklyn, N.Y.
In June 2004, Drag City will release David Grubbs's eighth full-length solo recording; A Guess at the Riddle contains twelve songs and features the
contributions of Adam Pierce, Nikos Veliotis, Steve Roden, and the electronic music duo Matmos. The album also includes three songs co-written
with the novelist Rick Moody.
Grubbs's other recent releases include Arborvitae (Häpna), a duo with Loren Connors; the collection of songs Rickets & Scurvy (Drag City/FatCat); and Act Five, Scene One (Blue Chopsticks), a sixty-minute composition featuring Tony Conrad and Dan Brown. In 2000, his album The Spectrum Between was named "Album of the Year" in the London Sunday Times. Grubbs's upcoming projects include an album by the Wingdale Community Singers (a group with Rick Moody and Hannah Marcus) and a collaboration with the poet Susan Howe at the Fondation Cartier in Paris.
David Grubbs was a founding member of the group Gastr del Sol. He has participated in the Red Krayola since 1993. With Jim O'Rourke, Grubbs
co-directed Dexter's Cigar, an acclaimed label that reissued out-of-print recordings by Arnold Dreyblatt, Henry Kaiser, Merzbow, and others. Grubbs
currently directs the Blue Chopsticks record label, which has released both new and archival recordings from Luc Ferrari, Derek Bailey and Noël Akchoté, Workshop, Van Oehlen, and Mats Gustafsson.
In previous lives, David was guitarist and primary songwriter in the widely influential mid-'80s punk group Squirrel Bait, whose two records have
recently been reissued; he was reincarnated into the same position in Bastro, which released two albums and toured Europe at the '80s/'90s cusp.
He has also appeared on records by Will Oldham, Matmos, Tony Conrad, Pauline Oliveros, Royal Trux, Richard Buckner, The Dirty Three, and many others.
presented by Tight Bros Network
Added by manunderstress on May 13, 2004