September 7 - November 4, 2007
The Umlauf exhibits 16 years of work by sculptor David Everett
In celebration its own 16th year, the Umlauf Sculpture Garden & Museum will present 16 years of work by sculptor David Everett, known best for his work in wood.Inspired by the wildlife and people he grew up with on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, Everett handcarves his sculptures out of large laminated masses of hardwoods, using dozens of different chisels. An excellent craftsman, Everett combines smooth and roughly carved human and animal figures into sculptures, often stacking a human figure on top of one or more animal figures. He then painstakingly glazes the entire sculpture with paint. Everett also carves elaborate narrative bas reliefs and makes wood cut prints.
Everett is another of the contemporary sculptors to be exhibited at the Umlauf who had studied at the University of Texas with sculptor Charles Umlauf in the 1970s.More than two dozen of David Everett's sculptures, drawings, and woodcuts, all produced over the last 16 years, will be on exhibit inside the museum.
On Wednesday, October 24, David Everett will talk about his work in a special free lecture at the museum at 6:30 p.m.
Official Website:
Added by salvo cheque on September 17, 2007