Corso Bettini 43
Rovereto, Trentino-Alto Adige

The MART - Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto, Italy) presents the first personal exhibition to be dedicated in Italy to the Belgian video artist David Claerbout (Kortrijk, Belgium, 1969).

The exhibition curated by Saretto Cincinelli opens on October 26, 2012 and closes on January 13, 2013, offering the Italian public the opportunity to explore the artistic production of one of the most innovative international artists to work with moving images. In recent years, David Claerbout's work has been the object of a series of important personal shows (Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2007; De Pont Museum for Contemporary Art, Netherlands, 2009; Wiels, Brussels; San Francisco Museum of Art, 2011; Secession, Vienna; Parasol Unit Foundation for Contemporary Art, London, 2012) and international exhibitions focusing on the interest shown by contemporary artists in the dimension of time in cinema and video.

Designed in close collaboration with the artist, the exhibition offers for the first time in Italy an important overview of Claerbout's video-installations. His works explore that status of the image in its double nature of image-time and image-movement. MART aims to introduce the Italian public to a form of research that makes it possible to understand how digital media can be used in a way that is not simply spectacular while opening to new perceptive, aesthetic and conceptual horizons for the contemporary vision. David Claerbout does not present time in the image but rather the time of the image. The artist literally brings us face to face with the matter of perception, and this generates a plurality of paradoxes disturbing the observer's normal vision, inviting him to open his eyes.

The exhibition layout by architect Pedro Sousa changed completely the natural hierarchy of the spaces at the first floor of the museum, creating a total environment in which works and architecture appear totally integrated to the point that it's hard to establish if it's the artwork that modulates the space, or the space which has been prepared to receive it.

The work of David Claerbout reveals itself as a continued calling into question of the mental frameworks with which we perceive the combination of space and time. In each work, the artist helps us understand how a certain culture of technical images has definitively changed with the development of digital processing, opening up to new perceptive, aesthetic and conceptual horizons, enabling video to establish itself as a space of infinite hybridisation and overlapping, in which the filmic and photographic find a new complicity and possibility of dialogue. Through David Claerbout's works we can understand to what point the latest technologies have enabled us to go beyond the visual categories of the last century, freeing the photographic from photography and the filmic from cinematography.

Among the works of David Claerbout on show at MART in Rovereto, Bordeaux Piece (2004), which shows an action repeated almost identically over a period of time that instead transforms itself silently from dawn to night in its monumental duration. More than a deconstruction of a narrative situation, this is a sort of temporal enchantment that, unnoticed, shifts the stress from the duration of the event to the event of the duration; Sections of Happy Moment (2007), fixes the multiplicity of the points of view in an expanded instant, interminably stretching the time of its duration and making us perceive the spatial simultaneity as a temporal progression; Riverside (2009), like many of the works of David Claerbout, plays with the observers preconceived expectations to shows two events taking place in a single place but evidently at different times as though they were taking place at the same time; The American Room (2009-2010), in which imperceptible and extremely sophisticated interventions tend to call into doubt the authority of photographic fixity, filmic movement and spatial distance, producing within the observer a sensation of being able to move freely within the congealed time of a photograph; The Quiet Shore (2011), with its enchantment of an instant, reveals the artist interest for what we might define the threshold of vision, a threshold that seems to thrust the image and narrative back to the stage of its being introduced, when it still seems able to maintain intact all of its potential.

The personal exhibition of David Claerbout at MART in Rovereto opens on October 26, 2012, at the same time of the exhibition La Magnifica Ossessione (The Magnificent Obsession) #magnificentobsession), and will be open to the public in Rovereto until January 13, 2013. More information on David Claerbout at MART in Rovereto is available at the MART website Further news and updates on David Claerbout exhibition at MART Rovereto will be available on Twitter following the hashtag #martclaerbout and MART Twitter account @mart_museum.


David Claerbout
Born in 1969 in Belgium, David Claerbout dedicated himself mainly to video since 1996. The video artist currently lives and works in Antwerp and Berlin and his research concentrates on the temporal dialogue between photography and video. Since his earliest works, such as Untitled (Single-Channel View) (1998- 2000), Claerbout destructures both narrative normally attributable to video and instantaneousness normally ascribable to photography, binding the two media together and digitally reprocessing what were initially created as analogical images. One of the most internationally well-known artists of his generation, few of his works have been screened in Italy (The Algiers Sections of a Happy Moment and The American Room). Some of Claerbouts most recent personal exhibitions include: Centre Pompidou (Paris, 2007), MoMA San Francisco (2011), Parasol Unit (London, 2012) and Secession (Vienna, 2012). Works by David Claerbout are included in the permanent collections of Centre Pompidou, ARC Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich, Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin, and MoMA San Francisco.

MART - Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto
MART - Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto, Italy) celebrates its first 10 years of activity featuring several exhibitions, performance and interventions; among others, those from Hermann Nitsch, David Claerbout, Paco Cao, Emilio Isgro', Liliana Moro, Christian Fogarolli, Paolo Meoni, and the year-long exhibition "La Magnifica Ossessione" (The Magnificent Obsession). The 2012-13 calendar of MART is available online at the MART website

Press Office MART
Corso Bettini, 43 - 38068 Rovereto (Trento, Italy)
Head of Communication: Flavia Fossa Margutti
Press Office contacts: Luca Melchionna / Clementina Rizzi
Tel: (+39) 0464 454.124 / 127

Added by pivari on October 30, 2012

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