We are delighted to announce that David Allen is returning to Washington DC! We invite you to join us at David's one day seminar, GTD The RoadMap: Winning at the Game of Work and Business of Life coming to Washington DC on Tuesday, July, 29 2008. We are offering an exclusive discount to our local supporters, a 10% savings from the usual registration cost (regularly $995), which includes continental breakfast, luncheon, and a full day of David's brilliant, inspiring, and entertaining expertise on achieving peak performance and productivity.
Named by Business 2.0 as one of America's 50 Business people who matter now, David's RoadMap seminar incorporates the core principles of GTD along with powerful new perspectives on learning to systematically manage all the horizons of our commitments, from the runway level to 50,000 feet. With this new vantage point comes a keener ability to prioritize so we can make the best decisions on what we need to be doing at any moment in time. In David's words, "We're teaching a high performance behavior model that will serve as your own personal GPS navigational system" for achieving maximum productivity, focus, relaxation and a successful work/life balance. Included will be time for you to roll up your sleeves and do some self-consulting using the tools and techniques this seminar offers.
The Washington DC RoadMap seminar will take place on Tuesday, July 29 at the JW Marriott Pennsylvania Avenue from 9am to 5pm. We hope you'll choose to connect with David's inspiring principles for personal and professional success.
To learn more about GTD The RoadMap, and to register, visit http://www.davidco.com/seminars/detail.php?id=16360&catID=1. Remember, you'll get 10% savings, and you can bring a friend or business associate and they will receive 10% off their registration too! To register for the discounted rate on-line, enter the coupon code Yahoo10 in the discount coupon box on the checkout screen, to receive the 10% discount. Additional special offers are available to alumni, GTD Connect members, not for profits, and students. Please be in touch for those rates.
If you have any questions please contact Rachelle Bonsignori at rachelle@davidco.com or call 805.646.8432. We hope to see you July 29th!
Official Website: http://www.davidco.com/seminars/detail.php?id=16360&catID=1
Added by DavidAllen Company on April 15, 2008