Preinkert Dance Studio
College Park, Maryland 20740

David Alan Harris, a dance therapist who has worked directly with the former boy soldiers in Sierra Leone and former "Lost Boys" of the Sudan, will teach a three-session workshop for any student interested in learning about dance therapy, arts and social justice and working with victims of trauma and violence. Sessions will take place Tuesday, October 13, Thursday, October 15 and Friday, October 16 from 4-6PM in the Preinkert Dance Studio.

To register for the workshop and add an Independent Study in Dance Therapy to your schedule, contact Karen Bradley in the UM Dance Department, 301-405-0387 or

Harris's residency is a project of the UM Department of Dance, ARHU and the First Year Book program and is part of the University of Maryland's Semester on Peace.

Official Website:

Added by Clarice Smith Center on September 21, 2009