1300 Central AvenueNo address on record.
McKinnleyville, California

It's hard to believe that anything brilliant could come out of California's Central Valley besides George Lucas. But look what's happened: Fiver, Grandaddy, and now Dave Hanley are all thriving and succeeding. Hanley's sound is laid back, Southern, and the good parts of the Central Valley all at once. You'd even expect him to be playing a few clubs in Austin on a regular basis, the Live Music Capitol of the World. His music is loved and appreciated like a rare , cheap Italian wine. So savor this while you can and store it in a cool dry place -Mike Perrazetti, thefeveredbrainofradiomike.com-

Dave Hanley Band

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of humcity.

Added by Humboldt on June 22, 2006

Interested 1