This month's focus is:
Suddenly Single ~ Beginning again Single - Starting over, support, advice for successful transition !
Are you struggling to navigate through the dating world after being widowed, divorced, a separation or breakup? Are you searching for the key to success to attract a potential partner and land that date? Learn a fresh new approach to dating, gain the confidence boost to be at your best! Professional Life Coach HEIDI BERNSTEIN and 7 in Heaven Singles bring you this fun highly effective monthly workshop, to achieve your ultimate goal; finding a loving partner.
7pm-7:30pm-Mingle happy hour + appetizers
7:30pm- 9pm interactive DATING workshop
**FREE complementary 30 min private coaching session for those new attendees**
Pay CASH at the door. FIRST TIME? Sign up RSVP Here
Official Website:
Added by Speed-Dater on April 26, 2012