The current economic crisis can’t last forever. Use this time to strengthen your organization’s infrastructure. Streamline operations, secure your data, make it resilient, and work on strategic business initiatives that will spur growth once the fog clears.
When: Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Where: Microsoft Office, 45 Liberty Blvd, Malvern, PA 19355
Who Should Attend: CIOs, IT Executives, Data Center Managers, Managers of Information Security
Agenda Details:
8:00 AM Registration and Breakfast
8:30 AM Introduction and Welcome
8:45 AM Keynote presentation: Information Security - Emerging Trends & Issues
Carl Herberger, Allied InfoSecurity
10:15 AM First Breakout Sessions
Session 1: Leverage the Power of x64 Computing with Microsoft Virtualization Steve Deming, Microsoft
Session 2: Protecting the Data Center with Deduplication Joe Sacchetti, Data Domain
11:30 AM Second Breakout Sessions
Session 1: Fast Recovery of Windows Applications, Data and Servers Bob Kelly, IBM
Session 2: Resilience 2.0: Business Resilience Best Practices Ron Venzin, Vision Solutions
12:30 PM Lunch
Official Website:
Added by Dale Jones on April 10, 2009