A groundbreaking new production of Wagner's 'Das Rheingold,' the first installment in the composer's epic four-part cycle 'Der Ring des Nibelungen,' conducted by James Levine and directed by Robert Lepage, has been developed for the Metropolitan Opera's 2010-11 season. The new production, which relies on a complex set that uses advanced technology, is the most challenging staging the Met has ever produced. Bryn Terfel brings his much-anticipated portrayal of Wotan, lord of the gods, to the U.S. for the first time, and Stephanie Blythe makes her Met role debut as his wife, Fricka. Eric Owens adds a new role to his Met repertory as the evil Alberich, and Gerhard Siegel is Mime. The opera is sung in German with Met Titles in English, German and Spanish.
Added by Upcoming Robot on October 2, 2010