Darcie Odom will host a celebrity Pool Party at Drai's Hollywood on the rooftop of the W Hotel in Hollywood.
The event will celebrate Darcie Odom's birthday, as well as to raise awareness for a very important annual tragedy happening in Japan. September 1st marks the first day of the dolphin slaughter season in Japan. Information can be found on www.takepart.com/thecove
In & Outdoor Club Pool Party || Sunday, August 15, 2010
...Doors Open 12:00pm-8:00pm || Pool Attire Required
Celebrities and supporters will attend to enjoy cocktails and dinner, and take a dive into Drai's legendary luxury pool.
Press contact: BWDPR (Ben Decker) ben@bwdpr.com
Table Reservations: 323.962.1111 or rsvp@drais.net
Drai's Hollywood
6250 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028
Added by Ben Decker on August 10, 2010