1515 Broadway (44th & Broadway)
New York City, New York 10036

Visit the official website below to win tickets to see Danzig live!

Watch one of the 'Exclusive Live Dates' of the Deth Red Saboath featuring Danzig with Gorgeous Frankenstein (Doyle formerly of The Misfits) and Seventh Void Danzig.

Glenn Danzig is a name that permeates, infects, and ultimately makes strong, the very soul of hard rock in the '90s. Through the legendary punk charge of his pre-Danzig outfits Misfits and Samhain, Danzig formed the backbone of today's mosh movement. Into the deep waves of the Danzig catalogue, and you've got a band that has created high-tension hybrids that are still being pondered and quietly adopted throughout today's metal community. Over eight million records sold, and Danzig is about to unleash a multi-media onslaught that will once again find disciples studying the master.

Official Website: http://aeglive.com/coolstuff_form.php?offer_id=482&contestor_id=118

Added by AEG Live Concerts on June 2, 2010




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