Danse4Nia Repertory Ensemble, Inc. in partnership with Imhotep Institute Charter High School, is hosting Danse 4 The Cure, its annual community awareness event, on March 28, 2009. Our goal this year is to provide substantial information on cancer and how it affects the women in our community.
According to the American Cancer Society, “The chance of developing invasive breast cancer at some time in a woman’s life is about 1 in 8 (12%)” with younger women in general, and younger African American women in particular, presenting with forms of the disease that are more aggressive and difficult to treat effectively. Therefore, Danse4Nia in conjunction with our mission to incite personal and social change, will raise consciousness and awareness about cancer through dance and education.
Danse 4 The Cure is an all day community event that consists of holistic approaches to living with a plethora of events; a Dance-a-Thon (Sock-Hop), several demonstrations (i.e., oral presentations, raw food cuisine, line dancing classes, etc.), health care speakers, vendors and an array of informational booths. The day will conclude with an evening social dance event for adults that will feature a performance from the apprentices of Danse4Nia Repertory Ensemble.
Official Website: http://www.danse4nia.org
Added by IMAjYNdesign on December 25, 2008