All classes and lectures will be held at The Finnish Brotherhood Hall unless noted otherwise. Located at 1970 Chestnut St., Berkeley, CA
Workshop Schedule
Saturday April 11
10:00-11:15 am: Fundamentals 1- Tango through the lens of it's Default Vocabulary
Lecture 1 - History of Tango- Tango's Roots, its emergence in Argentine
Culture, its European travels, and the Golden Years
12:30-1:00: Q & A with Daniel
1:00-2:00: Open Dance + lunch break (pizza for everyone)
2:00-3:00: Supervised Practica with Daniel
3:00-4:15: Special topic class 1 - The Embraces- open, close, and flexible
4:30-5:30: Lecture 2 - History of Tango II- Tango's Modern Revival, an eyewitness account (Who and When)
5:30-6: Q & A with Daniel
Sunday April 12
7:00-8:15: Special topic class 2 - Close Embrace- Squares & Spirals
8:30-9:30: Lecture 3 - TBD
9:30-10:00: Q & A with Daniel
10:00-12:00: Supervised Practilonga with Daniel (demo by Daniel & various partners - Cristina, Homer, etc)
Saturday April 18
10:00-11:15: Fundamentals 2 - Tango Yin & Yang- Leader's Voice/ Follower's Voice
11:30-12:30: Lecture 4- Modern Tango's Techniques and Styles (What and How)
12:30-1:00: Q & A with Daniel
1:00-2:00: Open Dance + lunch break (pizza for everyone)
2:00-3:00: Supervised Practica with Daniel
3:00-4:15: Special topic class 3 - TBD
4:30-5:30: Lecture 5 - Tango Yin & Yang- Gender Roles in Tango
5:30-6:00: Q & A with Daniel
Sunday April 19
7:00-8:15: Special topic class 4 - TBD
8:30-9:30- Lecture 6- Social Dance= Social Justice/ Dance as Education for the Future
9:30-10:00: Q & A with Daniel
10:00-12:00: Supervised Practilonga with Daniel (demo by Daniel & various partners - Cristina, Homer, etc)
Other venues
ODC - 351 Shotwell St., San Francisco, CA (btwn 17th and 18th)
El Valenciano - 1153 Valencia St., San Francisco, CA (btwn 22nd and 23rd)
For any questions regarding this workshop, or to schedule private lessons with Daniel, please contact Mimi at (808) 987-9487.
Private lesson schedule
Monday (13th), Wednesday (15th) and Friday (17th)
1-2, 2:15-3:15, 3:30-4:30, 4:45-5:45, 6-7
Organized by Project Tango
Ticket Info: - 4/9 - Teacher's Symposium (for teachers only) @ El Valenciano, Free
- 4/11 - Full Day (includes practica), $70.00
- 4/12 - Sunday Evening (includes practica), $40.00
- First Weekend (4/11-4/12), $100.00
- 4/17 - Beginners Workshop @ ODC, $15.00
- 4/18 - Full Day (includes practica), $70.00
- 4/19 - Sunday Evening (includes practica), $40.00
- Second Weekend (4/18-4/19), $100.00
- Both Weekends, $185.00
Official Website: