-A series of free Sunday workshops & showings of works-in progress to familiarize dancers and dance lovers with innovative dance companies, hosted by the San Francisco Conservatory of Dance
These free Sunday events will begin with a workshop conducted by the guest company, open to dancers of all disciplines, followed by a 1-hour showing of the company's work, open to both dancers and non-dancers. The afternoons will conclude with an informal chat/Q&A session and reception with complimentary light refreshments, wrapping up at 5:30pm.
Sunday, October 11th: Featuring Dandelion Dancetheater
Eric Kupers & Kimiko Guthrie, co-artistic directors
Participants are welcome to attend the workshop, the showing, or both. Pre-register by email or register in-person at least 15 minutes before the event (Please note: each workshop and showing is open to the first 30 registrants)
Workshop: 2:00 to 3:45 pm
Showing: 4:00 to 5:00 pm
For more information contact Julia Hollas
Added by SF Conservatory of Dance on September 24, 2009