With the expert guidance of Dance Caller/Instructor Tonya Kearley, participants will quickly & easily learn the basic moves required for Square Dancing, Newfoundland Style. With the preliminaries out of the way, the live music begins featuring fiddler Kelly Russell playing lively & authentic Newfoundland Dance Music. Participants and spectators alike will have the time of their lives, taking part in a time honoured Newfoundland tradition, passed down through many generations for our enjoyment today. You need no previous experience whatsoever to take part in Dance Up, just a willingness to get out on the dance floor and have fun as you learn such dances as Running the Goat, Rufus Guinchard's Square Set, The Jellyfish Reel and Strip the Willow. Sponsored by the St. John’s Storytelling Festival, and Storytellers of Canada-Conteurs du Canada.
Added by voicesofthepast on July 27, 2010