1317 San Pablo Ave
Berkeley, California 94702

Synergy is the interaction of two forces where their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effort. Dancing in synergy with someone is a joy. So why don’t we feel that more often? And more importantly, how can we as leaders or followers help create that experience? (Even in a 5-minute dance)

The “combined effect” that allows synergy has to do with being relaxed, staying focused, respect for your partner, kindness, humor, diplomacy, dance etiquette, and smiling :-) These are all the ingredients, and probably more, that we will talk about and play with in this two-hour workshop. The worst that can happen if we fall short of creating synergy in our dance partnership is that we’ll get the next best thing: a more harmonious experience. Drats.

The other exciting component of this workshop is that I don’t want you to pay me until it is over…Huh? What? Yes, I’ve decided to employ a new paradigm where you pay me at the end if you feel that you’ve learned something and had fun in the process. If you aren’t happy being there at any point you can smile, wave good-bye and I’ll do the same and thank you for trying it out.

The only “requirements” for this workshop is that you email me in advance for a reservation as this workshop is limited to 10 leaders and 10 followers…AND that you email me if you change your mind in advance of the date so that others on a waiting list can participate. This workshop is for all levels of dancers & all styles of partner dancing. So let’s get together and create some synergy!

When: June 25 (Sunday), 4-6pm
Where: Ashkenaz, Berkeley (Gilman/San Pablo Ave)
Cost: $25 per person (cash only)
Facilitator: Alexis Gable (partnersynergy@earthlink.net)

About Me: I’ve been a ballroom dancer for 6 years, and an intensive swing dancer for the last 2 years. I have been a tap dancer longer than that. I have received acclaim as a dancer in big shows in many past lives. I have a degree in psychology and have done stand-up comedy (although I prefer to sit down). I am a non-recovering, unrepentant danceaholic and feed my addiction every week. As a follower I have danced with the best and the worst, and been at my best and my worst…that qualifies me to talk about both.

Added by Partner Synergy on June 2, 2006