Event Phone : 949-340-7408
Email : admin@templeoflight.info
Website : http://www.TempleOfLight.info
Description : Loving Awakening Consciousness, Dance Movement & Magical Breathing Meditation, Oneness Blessing
Dance Movement 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Cost: $15
Meditation & Oneness Blessing 7:45 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Cost: $25
For both cost: $30
The event will support you in Opening the Heart, Connecting to your life force energy in the body, Breathing to Rejuvenate the body, Grounding & Centering, Calming the mind & moving into a deep meditation that Relaxes & Heals the body.
Preparing the body to live in higher states of consciousness. Oneness Blessing Deeksha is the transfer of energy that awakens us to deeper states of awareness, opening us to are true nature of oneness, healing the heart, immune system & body, bringing about biological changes in the brain, softening the chatter of the mind, and bringing you into the moment where there is peace, joy & serenity.
Oneness Blessing opens us to a very powerful connection of loving peaceful energy. It moves us to a deep place of calming, restful energy that bring healing, balancing & nurturing to your body, heart & soul.
Official Website: http://www.TempleofLight.info
Added by Temple of Light OC on May 27, 2010