1700 South Lamar #338
Austin, Texas 78704

New Dance Hoop Class starts on Tuesday Sept 7th at Galaxy Dance Studios! Come in today and buy a beautiful custom hoop make by Laura or Cedar while the selection is GREAT! Open 10 AM to 9PM

Galaxy Dance Studios
1700 S Lamar, Ste 338
Austin, TX 78704

Instructor: Miss Lauraaa
Web: http://www.hoopcircle.com
Duration: Each class is 75 minutes long
There are class limits so come early!
Walk-in now accepted ($20) or sign-up for an entire 5-week session and save
Class Limit is 10 and classes fill quickly!
Cost is $100 for the 5 week series and includes a hoop-practice music CD.
Students are encouraged to pre-pay for the series via PAYPAL at the my website http://www.hoopcircle.com to ensure their galactic hoop space.

Added by GalaxyDanceStudios on September 7, 2010

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