Singer/songwriter Dana Cooper puts heart into his singing and guitar playing.
Added by Upcoming Robot on May 5, 2008
I will be there.
Count me in!
I plan to be there with 1 guest
Count me in!
Me+1.. See you guys there!
... I will also be there + 1 guest!
I'll be there!
Youngest intern in the bay area? Who knows. I'm 16 hah
See you all there!
Cant wait to be there.
ill be there!
Free lunch
I'll be there and I think all 12 or so interns in my building will be joining me also! Thank you so much!
awesome, ill definitely come, its only a few minutes away from my work too, sweet.
I'll try my best but sounds fun!
I'll be there with 7 co-worker/interns
hell yah ill be there...meeboo forever!!!!
my gf will come is good thats what she says
Can entrepreneurs who wish they had interns come as long as they
don't try to recruit.? I'm thinking maybe these interns might have friends who want internships with impressive titles (I'm CEO of startup to help couples strengthen and deepen their relationsihps. In stealthmode.)
This event sounds most intriguing! I will most definitely attend. -Wailyn
I'll be there!
me +1
Hooray meebo lunch2.0!
RSVP'ing myself + 2 guests.
@gary_krane: It’s still Lunch 2.0 so everyone and anyone who is interested is invited to join “the lunch as a conversation.” :-) It’s just the Meebo folks want to extend a special invitation to anybody who is interning this summer.
BTW, this is the Lunch 2.0 announcement:
and reminder:
Mark, where did you get the graphic? I want to add it to the Lunch 2.0 post? :-)