227 Maple Ave E
Vienna, Virginia 22180

With Florida based LIQUID MUSIC GROUP's upcoming release of the new Dan Reed CD "Coming up for Air", Dan presents a group of songs that mirror this life journey. With songs composed from Hong Kong to New Dehli, Jerusalem to London, he has come full circle to do what he has always done best- create, and most importantly... to sing to all who will listen. "What I have learned most on this path is that music brings people together and in a world of war, corruption, disease, and environmental destruction... 'together' is a good direction. I am constantly inspired and hopeful for the future of music. It is an amazing playground to feel connected inside and out. This creative journey has been a very wild and harrowing ride, but the view has been worth the price of admission."


Official Website: http://www.jamminjava.com

Added by Jammin Java on February 1, 2009
