2007-2008 Forum Lecture Series
Friends of the High Line, New York City
Thursday 7 pm
7 February 2008
The Magnolia Theatre, 3699 McKinney Ave.
Continues its 12th season of lectures on Feb. 7, 2008 with Robert Hammond
The Dallas Architecture Forum continues with Robert HAMMOND who will speak about the High Line, a disused elevated rail structure in Manhattan now being converted to a public park, on Thursday, Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. at the Magnolia Theatre. This is the annual Rose Family Lecture, named in honor of Deedie and Rusty Rose.
Robert Hammond is a Co-Founder and President of Friends of the High Line (thehighline.org). His organization brought the High Line, a 1.5-mile-long disused elevated rail structure on Manhattans West Side, from the brink of demolition, in 1999, to the start of construction, in 2006, on its conversion to a public park. The organization has raised over $130 million, and the first phase of the park is scheduled to open in 2008.
Mr. Hammond has worked as a consultant for a variety of entrepreneurial endeavors and non-profits. He worked with the Times Square Alliance from 2002 to 2005, helping the Business Improvement District President to develop a new vision for Times Square, including a master plan for comprehensive streetscape design, public arts projects, and an annual design awards program. His other clients have included Alliance for the Arts and National Cooperative Bank (NCB).
As Vice President of E-Commerce and Business Development at Watch World International, the worlds largest retailer of sports and fashion watches, Mr. Hammond built the companys e-commerce division and comprehensive marketing plan and successfully launched the companys transactional Web site. Watch World was acquired by Sunglass Hut in April 2000.
As a founding team member and then as a board member, Mr. Hammond helped to launch thebody.com, the largest online HIV/AIDS information resource in 1996. Thebody.com achieved profitability three years after its launch and remains one of the few consistently profitable health-related Web sites.
In 1994 he helped launch and subsequently sell an in-hotel catalog company. He then helped toHe then change its business model to expand to airlines, where the company was able to capture 22% of the in-flight market by signing an agreement with American Airlines, Northwest Airlines and TWA.
His first job was at Ernst & Young, working within the firms internal strategic consulting group.
Boards and Affiliations:
Body Health Resources, Board of Directors (1998 - present)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Ex-Officio Trustee (2002 - 2005)
Open House New York, founding Advisory Board member (2002 present)
Precipice Alliance, founding Board member (2006 present)
Mr. Hammond holds a BA with Honors in History from Princeton University. Born and raised in San Antonio, Texas he has lived in the West Village since 1994. He is also a part-time artist.
The Dallas Architecture Forums Lecture home, the Horchow Auditorium of the DMA, will be closed most of our season for renovation. The Forum is pleased to announce that all lectures for our 2007-08 season will be held at The Magnolia Theatre, located in the West Village, 3699 McKinney Avenue, Ste 100, Dallas, 75204.
Single tickets, available at the door only, are $15 for general admission and $5 for students with I.D. Dallas Architecture Forum members are admitted for free. For more information, call 214-764-2406 or visit www.dallasarchitectureforum.org.
FORUM SPONSORSSeason Benefactors:
Briggs-Freeman Real Estate
David Griffin Real Estate
Home Theater Store | Mody & Mody
Museum Tower
Urban Edge developers Ltd
Spring Benefactors
Jackson Walker LLP
RTKL Associates, Inc.
Lecture Benefactors
Dallas Architectural Foundation
Emily Summers Design Associates
Reception Underwriter
Photos and interviews are available upon request. Call Lisa Taylor, Taylor-Made Press, 214-943-1099 or email lisatmp@swbell.net
Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of artsdallas.
Added by sarahjanesemrad on January 2, 2008