3699 E. McKinney Ave, Suite 100
Dallas, Texas 75204

The Dallas Architecture Forum has announced its 13th season of lectures opening with New York architects Marion WEISS and Michael MANFREDI on Wednesday, Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. at the Magnolia Theatre, 3699 McKinney Ave. in Uptown Dallas. Single tickets, available at the door only, are $20 for general admission and $5 for students with I.D. Dallas Architecture Forum members are admitted for free. The reception begins at 6 p.m. For more information, call 214-764-2406 or visit www.dallasarchitectureforum.org. Images are available upon request via Lisa Taylor at Taylor-Made Press, 214-943-1099 or lisatmp@swbell.net.

Marion WEISS + Michael MANFREDI
Architects, New York
Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Marion Weiss and Michael Manfredi are partners in the New York based firm Weiss/Manfredi, a practice committed to the dynamic integration of architecture, art, infrastructure, and landscape design. They received the 2004 Academy Award in Architecture, an award given annually by the American Academy of Arts and Letters acknowledging the unique vision of the firm. They were also named one of North Americas Emerging Voices by the Architectural League of New York and in 2007 their firm won the New York City AIA Gold Medal of Honor.

Their recent Olympic Sculpture Park for the Seattle Art Museum was a winner of an international competition and was recently recognized as Best in Category by the I.D. Magazine Environments Design Awards. The project won a Progressive Architecture Award, multiple AIA Awards, an ASLA Honor Award, the EDRA Places Award, and was the first North American project to be awarded Harvard Universitys International Veronica Green Prize in Urban Design.

Current projects include the Barnard College Nexus,a multi-use arts center, and winner of an invited competition and a 2008 Progressive Architecture Award; the Brooklyn Botanic Garden Visitor Center, which will achieve LEED Gold certification; the University of Virginias new Arts Gateway Building, which includes a museum and outdoor sculpture
terrace; and the Krishna P. Singh Center Nanoscale Research Facility at the University of Pennsylvania. The firms built works include the competition winning Womens Memorial and Education Center at Arlington National Cemetery, winner of a federal design award, and the Olympia Fields Park and Cultural Center in Illinois, winner of an international competition. Both projects won state and national AIA honor awards and ID Magazine Environments awards.
Weiss/Manfredis urban design projects include the NYC 2012 Olympics flatwater and whitewater rowing venues, featured in both the Sao Paolo International Biennial and Van Alens Open exhibition.

Urban planning studies include the redesign of New York Citys Columbus Circle, commissioned by the Municipal Arts Society, development strategies for lower Manhattan areas affected by the events of September 11th commissioned by the LMDC and a design of the elevated pedestrian crossings in lower Manhattan, winner of the international Bridging the Gaps competition.

Publications featuring their work include Architecture, Metropolis, Architectural Record, Architectural
Review, A+T, Space, Landscape World, Topos, Detail, Domus, LArca, Costruire, C-3 Korea, GA Document, Praxis, Landscape Architecture, I.D. Magazine, Time, the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times. Their work has also been presented in numerous books including The Sex of Architecture, Art Spaces, Living Systems, Architecture & Design, The Fractured Metropolis, Value in Art, and Design Culture Now.

They have taught at the University of Pennsylvania,Yale University, Cornell University, and Princeton University and have lectured at those institutions as well as at Harvard University, Rice University, CCAC San Francisco, the Architectural League, Essen, Germanys Design Center, the Louvre Museum, and the Smithsonian Institution. Marion Weiss is the Graham Chair Professor of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania where she has taught
since 1991. Michael Manfredi is a board member for the Van Alen Institute where he was the founding Chair and is also a board member of the Storefront for Art and Architecture.

Weiss/Manfredis work has been exhibited internationally including the recent Groundswell show at the Museum of Modern Art. Their work has also been exhibited at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, the National Building Museum, Max Protetch Gallery, Harvard University, Yale University, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, the Van Alen
Institute, the Architectural League of New York, Storefront for Art and Architecture, The Essen, Germany Design Center, the Sao Paolo International Biennial, the European Landscape Biennial, and the Venice Architecture Biennale.

The new monograph Surface/Subsurface, published in January 2008, features their cross-disciplinary projects in architecture, landscape and urban design.

Web: weissmanfredi.com

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of artsdallas.

Added by sarahjanesemrad on September 2, 2008



Yo, Nate. Can we +1 for significant others that don't have upcoming accounts (and refuse to create any more accounts anywhere ever)?


Sure, I just enabled that feature.


Happy to demo SmugMug's latest release which is heavily YUI based.

Cya there.


I can't miss this!!


Hey, Nate, we'll finally get to meet!


Please let me come :)


I'd like to come with a plus 1



We'd love to have you join us. Please click "I'm Attending" on this page, which is the official RSVP method.

See you there!


Wow, its been a year? Long time gone. (mtrbike == laura formerly of ydn)


Heh. From reading the comments, this is looking to be a kind of Yahoo! Web Dev/Front-end Alumni meet-up, as well.


We love our non-Yahoo community and we love our Yahoo community...I guess we double-love those of you who are both ;)


I played with YUI a little... I suppose I'll come out ;)


I guess I'll have to come see what all this YUI fuss is about 8-)


me+1 pleez


Congrats! I will come help celebrate! Can I bring Adam? LOL



yep, jack's a great example of the community this party celebrates.


+1, cheers


This event is now full and attendance via Upcoming is closed, however if you'd like to be on the waiting list please send me an email at natek at yahoo-inc dot com and I'll see what I can do.



I'm not going to be in California this week after all :(


Awesome... my +1 tipped from 299 to 300. It's a sign or something.


I had to uninvite myself because of a release at work. So there is a slot available.

Someone pick me up some schwag. ;-)


Argh...crap. Have to drop out :-(


I will pick something up for you Terrance, if there is anything to pick up at the end. I will be there on the ending part as usual.

Nathan S

I wish I coulda gone :(
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