23 Ash Bluff Lane
Dallas, Texas

Dallas Architecture Forum and Preservation Dallas present a tour of Clint Murchison, Sr.s Big House, a 1930s residence designed by local architect Anton Korn, on Saturday, Nov. 30 2-4 p.m. The home is located at 23 Ash Bluff Lane. Architect J. Wilson Fuqua and landscape architect Warren Johnson will make remarks at 3 p.m. The Big House was the site of many historical events, both of state and national import.

Tickets are $35 for members and $45 for non-members and include refreshments. Advance reservations required by calling 214-821-1390 or emailing sroebuck@preservationdallas.org by Nov. 7. Valet parking will be provided.

About Dallas Architecture Forum
Dallas Architecture Forum provides a continuing and challenging public discourse on architecture and urban design in - and for - the Dallas area. The Forum offers presentations of architecture through public lectures by designers, critics, and historians; through topical discussions; and through occasional study tours to buildings and cities locally and throughout the world. Dallas Architecture Forum serves as an inclusive arena where people interested in and concerned with the built environment, non-professionals and professionals alike, may interact intellectually and socially.
Our membership comes from business, development, public affairs, education, arts and the design fields. This mix of interests and ties is one of the strengths we bring to our involvement with architecture. Support for the Forum's programs is a grassroots effort, coming from membership subscriptions and from the generous sponsorship of Forum seasons and events.
For more information, call 214-764-2406 or visit www.dallasarchitectureforum.org.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of artsdallas.

Added by sarahjanesemrad on November 4, 2008

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