Dakshina is an emerging dance company based in Washington DC that performs and presents Indian dance forms and Modern dance forms mirroring the multiple identities of second genration South Asians.
In keeping with Dakshina's mission to broaden the notion of dance, the program features an ecclectic mix of Indian and Modern dance featuring a premiere by Darla Stanley, an award winning choreographer from New Hampshire. Other collaborators include DC choreographer Ludovic Jolivet and the wonderful musical group Not What You Think.
Tickets are $15/students; $30/general public. There is a special class of tickets at $75, which include a pre-performance reception and entry into a raffle for a week in a completely furnished private apartment in Paris. For tickets and more information, go to www.dakshina.org
Official Website: http://www.dakshina.org
Added by oldernovavirgo on February 13, 2008