"Dakota: Or What's Heaven For" is literary historical fiction set in 1873-1883 in Dakota Territory. A brave and moving epic, it weaves public and historical events into an unexpected love story. Author Brenda Marshall and anthropologist Tom Fricke will discuss their North Dakota beginnings, writing, inspiration, history, and Marshall's "sprawling tale of desire, ambition, and transformation." Followed by a book sale and signing courtesy of Common Language Bookstore.
Free and open to the public. Join us in the Hatcher Library Gallery. Public parking is available in the structure at 650 S. Forest, just south of S. University Ave.
Sponsored by The Author's Forum, which is a collaboration between the U-M Institute for the Humanities, University Library, Great Lakes Literary Arts Center, and the Ann Arbor Book Festival.
Added by mcmorris on October 28, 2010