11812 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 505
Los Angeles, California 90049

Job Search & “Likeminding” Group, only $120.00 per person (to include 4 meetings). Join us for the group we've created and you’ll receive guidance, inspiration and sound feedback, for a reasonable price. Group participants receive valuable materials and contacts, as well as a sense of accountability and community, which is of great importance as you conduct a job search. Whether you are moving on from a current job, or are planning an exit strategy, we have a group for you.

During the group sessions you will receive advice about resume and cover letter preparation, as well as encouragement and suggestions about networking and job search activities. These sessions will be facilitated by Daisy Swan & Associates.

There is also an optional $45 individual resume review, for group participants.

Starting Thursday, May 14, from 7:00pm – 8:30pm, meeting for four (4) consecutive Thursdays at the Daisy Swan & Associates Brentwood office (11812 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 505, Los Angeles, CA 90049)

PLEASE NOTE: We will schedule more groups to meet any additional demand; if you receive an error message when you try to register for this group, that means that it is full - please send us an email to let us know that you are interested in the groups, and we will form additional group series.

For more information and/or to register, please email anna@daisyswan.com, or visit www.daisyswan.com.

Official Website: http://daisyswan.com/career-coaching/resources/calendar-of-events/

Added by Stiletto Anna on May 4, 2009

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